Who are they?
Created in 2013 by Carry Somers due to the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh, Fashion Revolution is a global movement. It is a movement, for the people, by the people. It is open to people from manufacturers, policy makers, academics, writers down to consumers, fashion lovers and students. Fashion Revolution celebrate and scrutinise fashion practices and are pushing for a more ethical and transparent industry. They campaign for transparency in the fashion supply chain and are interested in every sector of the industry as well as, inception to completion of products to ensure necessary changes are made to the way clothes are sourced, produced and consumed. Fashion Revolution have teams in numerous countries around the world from Nigeria to Europe, South America and more.
What are they doing?
A force to be reckoned with, Fashion Revolution unfailingly have a “Fashion Revolution Week” which is a yearly event during the week of the 24th of April (when the Rana Plaza occurred). The hashtag “#whomadeyourclothes and #imadeyourclothes are widely used by customers and brands during this period in order to prove transparency in their supply chain. In addition, Fashion Revolution is involved in various partnerships and campaigns. They have a fashion open studio where presentations, workshops and openings occur for a week further pushing their cause whilst spotlighting emerging designers, acknowledging trailblazers and, celebrating those behind the scenes. Lastly, Fashion Revolution have a manifesto where anyone interesting in being a part of the movement can sign up.
· Fashion Transparency Index – this project focuses on transparency in the fashion industry and aims to push the inhabitants of the fashion industry to be more transparent about their suppliers, working conditions and many more.
Fibre Lab X Fashion Revolution
Due to Fashion Revolutions vast resources and connections, Fibre Lab can use the opportunity of collaborating with Fashion Revolution’s Fashion Open Studio by educating people about the urban fibre shed, as this falls under innovation, this suits fantastically well with Fashion Revolutions vision, it will give FibreLab the opportunity to create more awareness and add to Fashion Revolutions list of innovators. In addition, FibreLab could have a 3-D model of its urban fibre shed to showcase during at the Fashion Open Studio.
Secondly, Fashion Revolution offer help with clothes swap, Fibre Lab can host a clothes swap with Fashion Revolution (after Covid-19) which could involve fashion designers who are a part of fashion revolution.
Thirdly, FibreLab could get Fashion Revolution to feature on the ‘blogs’ area of the website, either once a month or bi-weekly.